

I know everyone comes here checking for updates. I would be amiss to not include one today and let everyone down so here goes. The update is more of a continuance instead of an update because after all an update concludes a change and there has been no change the last two days. Still no contractions. Still no more dilation. Still no babies born. All three stills are great news.

God is continuing to answer our and your prayers. The power of prayer in our case has been overwhelming and encouraging to us and I hope to you all as well. So for the rest of this entry I would like to ask you bless others like you have blessed us with your prayers. Pray for Buffy Brooks as she gears up for surgery to remove a tumor and cancer from her body. Pray for Tim Andrews as he battles and prepares to be put on the transplant list. Pray for Sara Benton and she continues to be a model of hope and encouragement to all as she battles cancer as well. Don’t get me wrong, we still need your prayers but so do these wonderful people and all the others I have failed to mention. God will do anything as long as we ask for it. We ask for it through prayer.

We appreciate your prayers, concerns, and help during this time of trial. As always check back for updates or continuances as the case may be. Hope you all have a great Friday!



  1. Thankful God continues to hear our prayers. We are praying for the others you have mentioned and our hearts go out to each one. Thankful we serve a God who is great and good! We will continue to lift you in prayer and love as you face each day!

  2. So thankful for the improvements. Continuing to pray for strength as you wait upon the Lord and His timing as he watches over Jen and the babies!
